Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

The study of the nature and causes of illnesses is the focus of the medical discipline known as pathology. It serves as the foundation for all medical practises, including cutting-edge genetic research, blood transfusion techniques, and chronic illness monitoring.

Using the most advanced techniques for providing precise diagnoses in all areas of anatomic and clinical pathology, the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine contributes in the treatment of patients at GHC hospitals. The agency also offers outside communities specialised advisory services. Our highly qualified pathologists and clinical scientists are dedicated to enhancing precision medical methods, expanding fundamental and translational research, and offering top-notch instruction and training.

Modern diagnostic pathology services are offered by the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, which also excels in pathology research and education. The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine employees work hard to create a positive work atmosphere that promotes cohesion, respect for diversity, teamwork, and personal development. We are dedicated to helping our patients, students, partners in scientific research, and the general public.

We Provide the highest Level of comprehensive care & services to our patients.

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